Have you ever find an online survey platform that available in almost 50 languages? As we often find difficulties in translating languages for our survey needs, this online survey service platform is able to allow us executing the exact same survey we need in several languages at the same time! There is no other online survey platform able to provide us that many languages.
LimeService.com is a survey service platform-platform to prepare, run and evaluate online surveys. This online survey service not only offers us with basic free usage but also pay-per-use which you can only find in this survey service. When you sign up, they will get you your own survey tool in a couple of minutes under your favorite sub domain and with free bandwidth to get you started.
Along with the online survey tool, you will be provided with free 20 MB bandwidth to start and every month they up to our account to 10 MB if you have less than 10 MB left. With the low learning curve, you will be able to get your own online surveys up and running in a matter of minutes. Enjoy also the additional professional support for professional customers offered in this website.
Lime Service Survey
Labels: Lime Service Survey