Beasiswa, Angin Segar Dalam Mahalnya Biaya Pendidikan
Labels: Beasiswa, Informasi, Pendidikan, Sociality
Brad and Angelina Sell Pictures of Twins For Over 14 Million Dollars
The reason is simple enough. I am waiting for the highest bidder.
So far I have an offer of two coupons for free Egg McMuffins at McDonalds. I really do like Egg McMuffins so this is an attractive offer. Yet I feel like I should hold out for more. I could only dream of a free tank of gas. Although that value has been decreasing over the last couple of weeks.
Yes the pictures of Brad and Angelina's new twins sold for over 14 million dollars. Can you imagine? Perhaps my babies pictures would sell for more if everyone in the world knew my wife and I by our first name. Or perhaps Lindsay and I should combine our names. You know that is a good idea. From now on if you see us walking down the swanky boulevards of Aurora, Indiana you should turn to your friends and say "Hey look, it's Dansay." Maybe not.
While I was thinking about writing this article I felt a little disappointed that my child was somehow less important than their children. Then I thought no, no it has nothing to do with the children it is the fact that the twins parents are more important than Lindsay and I. I felt better only momentarily until another realization hit and then I was a little miffed that Lindsay and I were less important than Brad and Angelina.
But that is a little irrational as well. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their multiple children are possibly the most famous family on earth right now. They make movies we do not. Actually we have some pretty cute home movies but there are not many buyers interested in those either.
I guess the thing is that those home movies and oh yes my children are important to me. I have five amazing children and a beautiful wife. On the day my children were born our families gathered around. On the day that Lindsay and I were married our families gathered around. They took pictures that will remain in scrapbooks long after I am gone. There is value in that.
So valuable that 14 million dollars does not even come close to what those pictures and my memories are worth.
I do not mean to be a spoil sport. I am happy for Brad and Angelina. Those kids have amazing parents.
And if truth be told, I may have been a little interested to see what their kids looked like. Alright I might as well tell you. On the day I heard their pictures were released I may have gone online so that I could sneak a peak.
And then I went to read sports things and fix the toilet.
Labels: Humor
Hati-hati dengan Entrecard
Labels: Lain-lain
Cukup banyak karakter yang muncul dalam LOTR ini. Dalam triloginya ini Tolkien menciptakan beberapa jenis karakter.
1. Hobbit
Makhluk ini berukuran cukup mungil, tingginya antara 2-4 kaki (sekitar 60-120 cm). Mereka punya kuping lancip dengan ukuran kaki yang besar. Telapak kaki mereka cukup keras sehingga mereka tidak membutuhkan sepatu. Hobbit sangat suka makan (mereka makan enam kali sehari), mengisap pipa dan berkebun.
Karakter umum Hobbit adalah penakut dan tidak suka berpetualangan. Mereka umumnya tidak mempercayai dunia di luar Hobbiton. Well, ini agak berbeda dengan karakter Frodo yang serba ingin tahu. Dalam LOTR ada lima hobbit yang sering muncul. Pertama adalah Bilbo Baggins. Dia adalah hobbit yang memiliki cincin yang ternyata adalah cincin utama. Cincin ini diberikannya pada sang keponakan, Frodo Baggins. Frodo merupakan tokoh utama dalam LOTR karena pembawa cincin ditemani oleh tiga hobbit yang lain (Sam, Merry, dan Pippin).
Walau bentuknya tidak seperti hobbit, tapi Gollum dulunya adalah hobbit bernama Smeagol. Sebelum Frodo, dia juga pernah jadi pembawa cincin. Gollum mencuri cincin itu dari saudaranya yang menemukan cincin itu dari dasar Sungai Anduin. Kekuatan cincin membuat Gollum tetap hidup tapi juga secara perlahan membuat wujudnya jadi mengerikan.
2. Manusia
Manusia adalah makhluk yang mortal dan berkembang biak lebih cepat dari makhluk yang lain. Makanya mereka adalah kelompok yang paling dominan di middle-earth. Kecepatan berkembang biak mereka hanya terkalahkan oleh Orc. Manusia tidak bisa membaca pikiran orang lain, tidak bisa melihat masa depan dan tidak seterampil makhluk lain dalam mencipta dan berpengetahuan. Dalam LOTR kita kenal Aragorn dan Boromin.
Aragorn adalah kepala suku terakhir di Dunedain yang dianugerahi umur tiga kali lebih panjang dari manusia normal. Dia dibesarkan oleh Elrond dan kemudian jatuh cinta dengan anak cewek Elrond, Arwen. Tapi Elrond enggak memberi restu sampai Aragorn resmi menjadi King of Arnor dan Gondor.
Boromin juga Lord Dunedain dan anak tertua dari Denethor II yang memerintah Gondor. Karena bermimpi tentang suatu ramalan, Boromin segera pergi ke Rivendell (kota bangsa peri) untuk mencari petunjuk dan akhirnya bergabung sebagai pasukan pembawa cincin.
3. Elves (bangsa peri)
Elves adalah makhluk yang immortal (tida bisa mati) dan secara fisik tidak pernah terlihat tua. Semakin tua umurnya, semakin bijaksana dan cantik. Elves adalah makhluk paling cantik di middle-earth. Bangsa peri yang kita kenal antara lain, Arwen Evenstar, putri dari Elrond. Arwen jatuh cinta para Aragorn. Walau tidak mendapat restu dari ayahnya, Arwen tetap married dengan Aragorn yang berarti mengubah nasibnya menjadi mortal.
Selain itu ada juga Galadriel, ratu Lothorien (peri hutan). Galadriel memberikan perlindungan pada para pembawa cincin. Dan yang terakhir adalah, Legolas. Dia adalah pangeran peri yang punya keahlian menggunakan panah dan bermata tajam.
4. Kurcaci
Mereka adalah makhluk dengan tinggi antara 4 -5 kaki (sekitar 120-150 cm). Kurcaci cowok memiliki janggut yang panjang. Secara fisik mereka gempal, kuat, dan tahan api. Mereka adalah perajin, penggali tambang, dan bisa menghasilkan kerja yang baik bila berhubungan dengan batu, besi dan berlian. Saat perang, kurcaci lebih memilih kampak sebagai senjatanya. Satu-satunya kurcaci yang ikut dalam rombongan pembawa cincin adalah Gimli. Ayahnya terbunuh dalam perang sebelumnya.
5. Penyihir
Ada lima penyihir yang dikirim ke middle-earth untuk pelindung dari kekuatan jahat. Tapi yang banyak diceritakan adalah Gandalf dan Saruman. Secara fisik mereka mirip seorang kakek tua. Walau geraknya lambat tapi memiliki tenaga fisik dan pikiran yang besar. Setiap penyihir memiliki warna dan tingkat kebijaksanaan yang berbeda. Warna putih adalah tingkatan tertinggi dan abu-abu adalah tingkatan terendah. Walau hebat, penyihir tidak boleh menguasai middle-earth. Dan inilah yang dilanggar oleh Saruman dan dia bergabung dengan kekuatan jahat.
6. Orc
Orc hanya mendapat kebahagiaan saat yang lain menderita. Mereka adalah prajurit yang kejam, kanibal, memiliki darah berwarna hitam dan lemah bila ada sinar matahari. Secara fisik penampilan Orc memang mengerikan; bungkuk, berkulit kasar, dan kadang memiliki taring. Ukuran mereka hampir mirip dengan ukuran manusia dan Orc adalah tentara Sauron.
7. Urk-Hai
Urk-Hai adalah Orc ciptaan Sauron. Mereka seukuran manusia yang paling tinggi, berkulit hitam dan warna darahnya hitam. Mereka lebih besar, lebih kuat, dan lebih kejam dari manusia. Tujuan mereka hanyalah untuk membunuh. Mereka juga tidak lemah bila ada sinar matahari.
Labels: Download
Jeritan Jeng Juminten
“Abunawas, Tuanku.” jawab si Kasim.
Sultan pun manggil Abunawas dan baginda bertitah, “Kalau kamu pandai, coba buat satu cerita seratus kata tapi setiap kata mesti dimulai dengan huruf ‘J’.”
Abunawas terperanjat, tapi setelah berpikir, dia pun mulai bercerita:
Jeng Juminten janda judes, jelek jerawatan, jari jempolnya jorok. Jeng juminten jajal jualan jamu jarak jauh Jogja-Jakarta. Jamu jagoannya: jamu jahe. “Jamu-jamuuu…, jamu jahe-jamu jaheee…!”
Juminten jerit-jerit jajakan jamunya, jelajahi jalanan.
Jariknya jatuh, Juminten jatuh jumpalitan. Jeng Juminten jerit-jerit: “Jarikku jatuh, jarikku jatuh…”
Juminten jengkel, jualan jamunya jungkir-jungkiran, jadi jemu juga.
Juminten jumpa Jack, jejaka Jawa jomblo, juragan jengkol, jantan, juara judo. Jantungnya Jeng Juminten janda judes jadi jedag-jedug.
Juminten janji jera jualan jamu, jadi julietnya Jack.
Johny justru jadi jealous Juminten jadi juliet-nya Jack. Johny juga jejaka jomblo, jalang, juga jangkung. Julukannya, Johny Jago Joget.
“Jieehhh, Jack jejaka Jawa, Jum?” joke-nya Johny. Jakunnya jadi jungkat-jungkit jelalatan jenguk Juminten.
“Jangan jealous, John…” jawab Juminten.
Jumat, Johny jambret, jagoannya jembatan Joglo jarinya jawil-jawil jerawatnya Juminten. Juminten jerit-jerit: “Jack, Jack, Johny jahil, jawil-jawil!!!”
Jack jumping-in jalan, jembatan juga jemuran. Jack jegal Johny, Jebreeet…, Jack jotos Johny. Jidatnya Johny jenong, jadi jontor juga jendol… jeleekk.
“John, jangan jahilin Juminten…!” jerit Jack.
Jantungnya Johny jedot-jedotan, “Janji, Jack? Janji… Johnny jera,” jawab Johny. Jack jadikan Johny join
jualan jajan jejeran Juminten.
Johny jadi jongosnya Jack-Juminten, jagain jongko, jualan jus jengkol jajanan jurumudi jurusan Jogja-Jombang, julukannya Jus Jengkol Johny “Jolly-jolly Jumper.” Jumpalagi, jek…!!!
Jeringatan: Jangan joba-joba jikin jerita jayak jini jagi ja…!!!
Labels: Humor
Mengenali Betuk Payudara
Naaa.. guna memberikan pemahaman yang baik tentangg bentuk payudara, saya siapkan gambar agar para readers sekalian memiliki pengetahuan tentang bentuk payudara. Berikut cuplikan gambarnya :

Labels: Tahukah Anda?
Snapbomb, Make Money Easily
Want to get extra money? Registered immediately your blog in snapbomb. You will get the jobs, and you must posting or buzz in your blog in accordance with the theme that was ordered.Your blog could take the form of blog marketing, blog advertise, or personal blog, All of them will be appreciated in accordance with the value blog you according to snapbomb. The process of his registration really was easy, in several days after registering your blog, would immediately in review and immediately was agreed to by snapbomb although you blog did not have traffic that was quite high. So, registered immediately your blog and earn extra money easily.
Labels: Lain-lain
Appearance of a Barguest - Black Dog Legend
In Hone's 'Table Book' is to be found the following legendary story:
'In the year 17__, in a lonely gill not far from Arncliffe, stood a solitary cottage. A more wretched habitation the imagination cannot picture. It contained a single apartment, inhabited by an old woman called Bertha, who was throughout the valley accounted a wise woman, and a practiser of the "art that none may name." In the autumn, or rather in the latter end of the summer, of 17 , I set out one evening to visit the cottage of the wise woman. I had never beheld the interior, and, led on by curiosity and mischief, was determined to see it. Having arrived at the cottage, I knocked at the gate.
"Come in," said a voice which I knew to be Bertha's.
'I entered. The old woman was seated on a three-legged stool by a turf fire, surrounded by three black cats and an old sheep dog.
"Well," she exclaimed, "what brings you here? What can have induced you to pay a visit to old Bertha?"
'I answered: "Be not offended. I have never before this evening viewed the interior of your cottage, and wishing to do so, have made this visit. I wished, also, to see you perform some of your incantations." 'I pronounced the last word ironically, and Bertha observed it, and said:
" Then you doubt my power, think me an impostor, and consider my incantations mere jugglery. You may think otherwise. But sit down by my humble hearth, and less than half an hour you shall see such an instance of my power as I never hitherto allowed mortal to witness."
'I obeyed, and approached the fire. I now gazed around me, and minutely viewed the apartment. Three stools, an old deal table and a few pans, three pictures of Merlin, Nostradamus, and Michael Scott, a cauldron and a sack, with the contents of which I was unacquainted, formed the whole stock of Bertha.
'The witch, having sat by me a few minutes, rose and said:
"Now for our incantations. Behold me, but interrupt me not."
'She then with chalk drew a circle on the floor, and in the midst of it placed a chafing dish filled with burning embers. On this she fixed the cauldron, which she had half filled with water. She then commanded me to take my station at the further end of the circle, which I did accordingly. Bertha then opened the sack, and, taking from it various ingredients, threw them into the "charmed pot." Amongst other articles I noticed a skeleton head, bones of different sizes, and dried carcasses of some small animals. While thus employed she continued muttering some words in an unknown language; all I remember hearing was the word konig. At length the water boiled, and the witch, presenting me with a glass, told me to look through it at the cauldron. I did so, and beheld a figure enveloped in the steam. At the first glance I knew not what to make of it; but I soon recognised the face of N , a friend and intimate acquaintance. He was dressed in his usual mode, but seemed unwell and pale. I was astonished, and trembled. The figure having disappeared, Bertha removed the cauldron and extinguished the fire.
"Now," said she, "do you doubt my power? I have brought before you the form of a person who is some miles from this place: was there any deception in the appearance? I am no impostor, though you have hitherto regarding me as such."
'She ceased speaking. I hurried to the door, and said, "Good-night, Bertha."
"Stop," said she; "I have not done with you. I will show you something more wonderful than the appearance this evening. To-morrow, at midnight, go and stand upon Arncliffe Bridge, and look at the water on the left side of it. Nothing will harm you; fear not."
"And why should I go to Arncliffe Bridge? What end can be answered by it? The place is lonely; I dread to be there at such an hour. May I have a companion?"
"Why not."
"Because the charm will be broken."
"What charm?"
"I cannot tell you."
"You will not?"
"I will not give you any further information. Obey me; nothing shall harm you."
"Well, Bertha ," I said, "you shall be obeyed. I believe you would do me no injury. I will repair to Arncliffe Bridge to-morrow at midnight. Good-night."
I then left the cottage and returned home. When I retired to rest I could not sleep-slumber fled my pillow-and with restless eyes I lay ruminating upon the strange occurrences at the cottage, and on what I was to behold on Arncliffe Bridge. Morning dawned. I arose unrefreshed and fatigued. During the day I was unable to attend to my business; my coming adventure entirely engrossed my mind.
Night arrived. I repaired to the bridge. Never shall I forget the scene. It was a lovely night. The full-orbed moon was sailing peacefully through a clear blue, cloudless sky, and its beams, Like streaks of silvery lustre, were dancing on the waters of the Skirfare; and the moonlight falling on the hills, formed them into a variety of fantastic shapes. Here one might behold the semblance of a ruined abbey, with towers and spires and Anglo-Saxon and Gothic arches; at another place there seemed a castle frowning in feudal grandeur, with its buttresses, battlements, and parapets. The stillness which reigned around, broken only by the murmuring of the stream, the cottages scattered here and there along its banks, and the woods wearing an autumnal tinge, all united to compose a scene of calm and perfect beauty. I leaned against the left battlement of the bridge. I waited quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour; nothing appeared. I listened: all was silent. I looked around, I saw nothing.
"Surely," I thought, "I have mistaken the hour! No; it must be midnight. Bertha has deceived me, fool that I am! Why have I obeyed the beldam?"
Thus I reasoned. The clock of the neighbouring church chimed; I counted the strokes-it was twelve o'clock. I had mistaken the hour, and resolved to stay a little longer on the bridge. I resumed my station, which I had quitted, and gazed on the stream. The river in that part runs in a clear, still channel, and all its music dies away. As I looked on the stream I heard a low moaning sound, and perceived the water violently troubled without any apparent cause. The disturbance having continued a few minutes, ceased, and the river became calm, and again flowed on in peacefulness. What could this mean? Whence came that low, moaning sound? What caused the disturbance of the river? I asked myself these questions again and again, unable to give them any rational answer. With a slight indescribable kind of fear I bent my steps homewards.
On turning a corner of the lane that led to my father's house, a huge dog, apparently of the Newfoundland breed, crossed my path, and looked wistfully at me.
"Poor fellow!" I exclaimed, "hast thou lost thy master? Come home with me, and I will use thee well till we find him."
The dog followed me, and when I arrived at my place of abode I looked for it, but saw no traces of it, and I conjectured it had found its master.
On the following morning I repaired again to the cottage of the witch, and found her, as on the former occasion, seated by the fire.
"Well, Bertha," I said, "I have obeyed you. I was yesterday, at midnight, on Arncliffe Bridge."
"And at what sight were you a witness?"
"I saw nothing except a slight disturbance of the stream."
"I know," said she, "that you saw a disturbance of the water; but did you behold nothing more?"
"Nothing! Your memory fails you."
"I forgot, Bertha. As I was proceeding home I met a Newfoundland dog, which I supposed belonged to some traveller."
"That dog," answered Bertha, "never belonged to mortal; no human being is his master. The dog you saw was Bargest! You may perhaps have heard of him?"
"I have frequently heard tales of Bargest, but I never credited them. If the legend of my native hills is true, a death may be expected to follow his appearance."
"You are right, and a death will follow his last night's appearance."
"Whose death?"
"Not yours."
As Bertha refused to make any further communication, I left her. In less than three hours after I quitted her I was informed that my friend N , whose figure I had seen enveloped in the mist of the cauldron, had that morning committed suicide by drowning himself at Arncliffe Bridge, in the very spot where I beheld the disturbance of the stream.
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Labels: PTC
Hore dapet PR 3 untuk yang pertama kali!
Padahal blog ini hampir ga ke-urus karena sibuk ngurusin blog saya yang lain ( Dengan naiknya PR ini semakin membuat saya bingung tentang google nih, blog saya yang lain padahal trafficnya lebih banyak, posting nya lebih banyak, linkbacknya juga lebih banyak, tp kenapa yang ini malah yang dapet PR ya?? Tau Kenapa?
Labels: Selamat Datang